Friday, August 31, 2018

Arlo and Gatha Familly meeting held 25 November 2016

President Larry was conducting.  Attendance Gatha, Donnie, Gloria, Kent and Betty via phone, Bonnie, Larry and Jeanette.

 A discussion was held about Larry being in charge of the next reunion in two years.  Maybe at the Fox creek cabin.  He will let us know early enough for people to make yearly plans with jobs and getting time off.

We discussed ownership of the cabin and the status of it’s use.  Gatha has the list of owners and the deed in a binder at her home.  

Family reports: Donnie: Adam was in an accident.  He broke his femur and nose.  He was in a company truck.  Austin joined the Maries and is at boot camp.  Brandy is expecting a new baby  in May
Kent: Betty is doing well from surgery.  We had a successful move to South Dakota.  Luke is out on his own now so Ashley is the only one home now with her mom Andrea.

Bonnie: Bonnie is living with Gatha in St. George. Kids are growing up.  Everything seems to be going okay.  Nothing new.

Larry: Debra expecting a baby boy in February.  I bought a motorcycle. Eric and Emma are pursuing their education.  Craig is about finished with Grad school.

Pres. Larry:  Past two years not active as a family organization, including posting to the blog.  Need to change that.  I nominate Kent as the next family organization president.  

Officer reports  (sorry I didn’t make any notes here)

Motion by Gatha to start a fund.  Each core (sibling) family is to contribute $50 a year.  Motion carried.  

Make a new commitment to write more often on the blog.  

Meeting turned over to new president by Larry.  Kent suggest we redouble efforts to post once a month on the family blog.  Other officers elected were Jeanette as secretary, Gloria as Vice President.  Before this happened there was discussion about having Pres and VP not in the same core family.  

Discussed using the Arlo and Gatha Vance Blog more diligently for better communication between family members.  It will be closed to family members only.  Once a month each representative, meaning sibling, is to post information on the blog regarding their family. Access for additional family members needs to be added to blog.  Core members have administration privileges to add their family members.

Gloria’s motion : set a time to have money in first six months of the year.  motion passed

Bonnie would like an Arlo and Gatha family history.  Write what you remember about Dad.  Send them to the secretary.  Jeanette summarize them and put them on the blog.

Meeting closed.

After the closing of the meeting others made additional remarks which included great amounts of praise and thanks for the reunion at this time and for Bonnie’s efforts in planning and carrying it out.  Love for each other was expressed.

Saturday, July 8, 2017


So it is interesting how easy it is for me to not post ... good habits are hard to form sometimes.

So it seems that there is going to be connecting with family over the 24th celebration in July on 21-23 at the cabin and see whom we can recognize at the Manassa Parade.

All is well and hot in Kanab.  The family seem to be getting ready for new doors opening soon.  Hope all is well with you as well.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

New Arrival

We are excited about the new arrival of Lyle Leroy Ensz!  born May 18, 2017 in Alamosa.  Mother and baby are doing well, as are Dad and sisters.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Settling In

I am not the best at accepting change in life, and this change has been a big one.  The city is smaller, the people are different, the church is different, the landscape is different, the climate is  different, and I am struggling to adapt .

Because the city is smaller,  most of the people are friendlier.  If I had walked up to a stranger in Colorado Springs, I would have been treated like a pickpocket.  Here, it is not uncommon to strike up pleasant conversations with total strangers.  It is rewarding to be in a friendlier community, but it has been slower for me to feel a part of the ward.  I think that might be attributed to the number of medical students, doctors,  university professors, lawyers and other professionals.  I also consider my own insecurities to be an impediment.

The Black Hills are beautiful.  Bikers from all over the world come here to enjoy riding in the hills.  Hills, however, are not majestic like the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains that I have always relied upon for help in navigation.  I've confused north and south.

In Colorado Springs, it would snow then melt within a couple of days.  Here, the cold and snow has lingered and lingered.  It is wonderful to finally see the birds returning and buds forming on the trees.

We have new callings in the church.  Betty has been called as Relief Society Secretary some months ago.  I was called as assistant ward mission leader today.  Both of us were called as Family History consultants.  A lot has changed since we last had callings in family history.  We both have a lot to learn.  We will be busy and we will enjoy it.

Betty is loving the opportunity to be closer to Brenda and getting reacquainted through frequent impromptu lunches when work brings her to Rapid City or she has errands to run.

Brenda and Tim are busy with work and Chloe works hard in the gifted program at school.  She is also adjusting to braces.  Here face is changing.  She's a lovely girl.

Today would have been Ed's 48th birthday.

Andi is in Longmont, CO and is busy working two jobs.  She is a legal assistant and an Uber driver.  Sometimes, that worries her ol' dad.  I don't get a lot of news about her boys, but I know that Ashleigh is busy with school and with babysitting.

Robert is still in Loveland, CO.  I don't hear from him.  I need to work harder in staying in touch with him.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Slow but sure...

The Don Vance family are still hanging around their stomping grounds.  I know it has been a while since we posted.  I had to remind myself how ... what button to push.  I am posting under my hubby's name.  We have had Grandma Gatha here with us since Thursday.  She is trying something new.  She is now taking Insulin shots when necessary.  She told me she can feel a difference.  Bonnie is coming to get her today (21).  Don has had a cold/flu bug the last few days.  I have been watching both of them (Don and Gatha) sleep for two days.  So we have had an exciting weekend.

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Austin Vance graduated from boot camp as a Marine.  His family and Grandma Bear were able to go watch the graduation service in Fort Pendleton, California on the 10 of Feb.  Then he was able to go on leave for 10 days.  We were glad to see him in St George for a few minutes as he and Kendra drove home to Idaho.  Kendra is an RN working in the Pocatello, Idaho hospital in surgery and medical.
This past weekend our Adam Hansen had a another accident and broke his right leg this time.  Now he has a rod in both legs.  He is home with his parents for the recovery time.
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These are the two major events which have happened in our family.  I was great to have Cory, Lorrita, Grandma Bear (Lorraine) along with the Ensz Family (Jason, Brandi, Quierra, and Sadie) stop by Kanab to visit for the night on their way home from California.  We were so pleased to have them visit.  The Ensz family are looking forward to their new baby boy due in May.

Our Jason Zinn has decided to take another route than graduate from high school.  I have not talked to him, he is hard to get a hold of.  As far as the girls, Becky Zinn and Katee Hansen, graduation from high school is still on board for end of May this year.  Riley will be not far behind on those plans.

Jacob Vance will be graduating from mechanic school I think this summer.  He is enjoying the tech school and working part time.

The Yates couple are staying busy with work and plan on a trip to Las Vegas for a show for the business.  They are trying to fit in a time to visit with us for Aubree's birthday (which is the first day of Spring!)  We are looking forward to that.

Marcy and Jim Warren along with Gary and Danette Hansen are keeping up with their jobs at home and in the work field.
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, eyeglasses, night, closeup and indoor
We are sending lots of love to the rest of the family.  Don and I are busy doing the things we

commonly do ... not wavering far.  Image may contain: 4 people

I enjoy reading about the family.  I think it will take a while to catch on again.  There are so many other programs out there.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Arlo and Gatha Family Meeting

Held 25 November 2016
Notes below were a combined effort of Jeanette and Gloria

President Larry was conducting.  Attendance Gatha, Donnie, Gloria, Kent and Betty via phone, Bonnie, Larry and Jeanette.

 A discussion was held about Larry being in charge of the next reunion in two years.  Maybe at the Fox creek cabin.  He will let us know early enough for people to make yearly plans with jobs and getting time off.

We discussed ownership of the cabin and the status of it’s use.  Gatha has the list of owners and the deed in a binder at her home.  

Family reports: Donnie: Adam was in an accident.  He broke his femur and nose.  He was in a company truck.  Austin joined the Marines and is at boot camp.  Brandy is expecting a new baby  in May
Kent: Betty is doing well from surgery.  We had a successful move to South Dakota.  Luke is out on his own now so Ashley is the only one home now with her mom Andrea.

Bonnie: Bonnie is living with Gatha in St. George. Kids are growing up.  Everything seems to be going okay.  Nothing new.

Larry: Debra expecting a baby boy in February.  I bought a motorcycle. Eric and Emma are pursuing their education.  Craig is about finished with Grad school.

Pres. Larry:  Past two years not active as a family organization, including posting to the blog.  Need to change that.  I nominate Kent as the next family organization president.  

Officer reports  (sorry I didn’t make any notes here)

Motion by Gatha to start a fund.  Each core (sibling) family is to contribute $50 a year.  Motion carried.  

Make a new commitment to write more often on the blog.  

Meeting turned over to new president by Larry.  Kent suggest we redouble efforts to post once a month on the family blog.  Other officers elected were Jeanette as secretary, Gloria as Vice President.  Before this happened there was discussion about having Pres and VP not in the same core family.  

Discussed using the Arlo and Gatha Vance Blog more diligently for better communication between family members.  It will be closed to family members only.  Once a month each representative, meaning sibling, is to post information on the blog regarding their family. Access for additional family members needs to be added to blog.  Core members have administration privileges to add their family members.

Gloria’s motion : set a time to have money in first six months of the year.  motion passed

Bonnie would like an Arlo and Gatha family history.  Write what you remember about Dad.  Send them to the secretary.  Jeanette summarize them and put them on the blog.

Meeting closed.

After the closing of the meeting others made additional remarks which included great amounts of praise and thanks for the reunion at this time and for Bonnie’s efforts in planning and carrying it out.  Love for each other was expressed.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

December In the Black Hills

This year has brought some significant changes to our family.  Some are wonderful, some are inconvenient and some are going to take some adjustment.

This year, for the first time since we were married, we both were able to both be with Brenda to celebrate her birthday. We enjoyed our time together even though it was cold outside and in.  The food was wonderful at the Guadalajara restaurant in Spearfish, SD.  We got to enjoy one an others company and we got to see Brenda open her presents with us there.  We even had the opportunity to serenade Brenda along with the restaurant staff.

One of the things that has taken some adjustment has been the cold, snowy weather.  We've seen some of the lowest temperatures we've seen in many
years and we have shoveled more snow that we would like.  Rather we should say that Kent has shoveled snow as Betty cheered him on from the warm living room.  We have a wonderful two car garage and no longer have to leave one of our vehicles out in the cold.  That means no more scraping ice off windshields before early morning appointments, but it also means shoveling snow off of a driveway that is twice as wide.  By the time I finished shoveling snow, the mound was quite high.  I was really thankful when a kind neighbor came over with his snow blower and cleaned my sidewalks when I was running out of energy.  I was equally disgruntled when the city came through and shoveled the streets into a mound across our driveway.   It hasn't melted off, so each snow storm means higher mounds of frozen waste to move around.

In Colorado Springs, we enjoyed the deer in our yard.  Here, the wildlife is a bit smaller.  We loved the mountains to the west of us in the Springs, but here there are no mountains.  Here, the Black Hills jut up within the limits of  Rapid City.  I am still trying to get my compass adjusted.  I continue to head north when my destination is to the south.

Christmas came late to us here in Rapid.  The scheduling for a nurse in a hospital is such that Brenda worked.  We postponed our celebration a few days, but we still had a good time.

We've missed a lot of our church meetings this month.  I went alone a few times, but it is just a lot nicer to go together.  Today was the first day we have attended together for the last couple of months.    I love the Gospel and really enjoy going to church. 

Betty is making good progress with her knee.  She is now walking with a cane in public and without it at home.  We are even going down into the basement to watch TV together.  Betty is also riding the stationary bike as part of her PT.  She can now do full revolutions on the pedals.

There is beauty no matter where we go, and there is happiness to be found in every situation.  It is my prayer that we can all find them.


Saturday, November 26, 2016

New Responsibilities

There was an organizational meeting over the Thanksgiving Holiday where the Vance organization was reorganized.

Love was expressed for all members of the family.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

From the President

From the President

Since we met I have been contemplating generating thi
s post.  I have been a bit slow in getting it done.  Here it is.

Conducting Meetings:
The presiding officer should call the meeting to order and ask for any pending business, such as reading minutes from past meetings, treasurer reports, previous action items, and items of business to be addressed.

There is an order of the business.

When time arrives for new business the presiding officer generally is not permitted to make motions, but should be a neutral witness that the business is fair and follows protocol.  The presiding officer can ask for a member of the body to present a motion.

There is a precedence of motions, some of which are privileged and some must receive recognition from the presiding officer.

These rules can be customized for the less formal meetings we intend to have, where we can be recognized by the chair (presiding officer).  This may seem as a bit much, but we can incorporate a parliamentarian to help us.

Privileged motions deal with conducting the business fairly and developing time-frames for meeting and adjournment.

Main motions deal with initiating business with a motion and a second (one or more seconds are allowed).

Subsidiary motions deal with modifying the main motion or proposing alternate methods to deal with the main motion.  Any subsidiary motion must be disposed before the main motion can proceed.

Incidental motions deal with the mechanics of the meeting and addressing the motion on the table.

Some items are not open for debate, such as the rules or time-lines.

There are rules about interruptions also.  The tables below may help us.


  • Obtain the floor (the right to speak) by being the first to stand when the person speaking has finished; state Mr./Madam Chairman. Raising your hand means nothing, and standing while another has the floor is out of order! Must be recognized by the Chair before speaking!
  • Debate can not begin until the Chair has stated the motion or resolution and asked "are you ready for the question?" If no one rises, the chair calls for the vote!
  • Before the motion is stated by the Chair (the question) members may suggest modification of the motion; the mover can modify as he pleases, or even withdraw the motion without consent of the seconder; if mover modifies, the seconder can withdraw the second.
  • The "immediately pending question" is the last question stated by the Chair! Motion/Resolution - Amendment - Motion to Postpone
  • The member moving the "immediately pending question" is entitled to preference to the floor!
  • No member can speak twice to the same issue until everyone else wishing to speak has spoken to it once!
  • All remarks must be directed to the Chair. Remarks must be courteous in language and deportment - avoid all personalities, never allude to others by name or to motives!
  • The agenda and all committee reports are merely recommendations! When presented to the assembly and the question is stated, debate begins and changes occur!

The Rules

  • Point of Privilege: Pertains to noise, personal comfort, etc. - may interrupt only if necessary!
  • Parliamentary Inquiry: Inquire as to the correct motion - to accomplish a desired result, or raise a point of order
  • Point of Information: Generally applies to information desired from the speaker: "I should like to ask the (speaker) a question."
  • Orders of the Day (Agenda): A call to adhere to the agenda (a deviation from the agenda requires Suspending the Rules)
  • Point of Order: Infraction of the rules, or improper decorum in speaking. Must be raised immediately after the error is made
  • Main Motion: Brings new business (the next item on the agenda) before the assembly
  • Divide the Question: Divides a motion into two or more separate motions (must be able to stand on their own)
  • Consider by Paragraph: Adoption of paper is held until all paragraphs are debated and amended and entire paper is satisfactory; after all paragraphs are considered, the entire paper is then open to amendment, and paragraphs may be further amended. Any Preamble can not be considered until debate on the body of the paper has ceased.
  • Amend: Inserting or striking out words or paragraphs, or substituting whole paragraphs or resolutions
  • Withdraw/Modify Motion: Applies only after question is stated; mover can accept an amendment without obtaining the floor
  • Commit /Refer/Recommit to Committee: State the committee to receive the question or resolution; if no committee exists include size of committee desired and method of selecting the members (election or appointment).
  • Extend Debate: Applies only to the immediately pending question; extends until a certain time or for a certain period of time
  • Limit Debate: Closing debate at a certain time, or limiting to a certain period of time
  • Postpone to a Certain Time: State the time the motion or agenda item will be resumed
  • Object to Consideration: Objection must be stated before discussion or another motion is stated
  • Lay on the Table: Temporarily suspends further consideration/action on pending question; may be made after motion to close debate has carried or is pending
  • Take from the Table: Resumes consideration of item previously "laid on the table" - state the motion to take from the table
  • Reconsider: Can be made only by one on the prevailing side who has changed position or view
  • Postpone Indefinitely: Kills the question/resolution for this session - exception: the motion to reconsider can be made this session
  • Previous Question: Closes debate if successful - may be moved to "Close Debate" if preferred
  • Informal Consideration: Move that the assembly go into "Committee of the Whole" - informal debate as if in committee; this committee may limit number or length of speeches or close debate by other means by a 2/3 vote. All votes, however, are formal.
  • Appeal Decision of the Chair: Appeal for the assembly to decide - must be made before other business is resumed; NOT debatable if relates to decorum, violation of rules or order of business
  • Suspend the Rules: Allows a violation of the assembly's own rules (except Constitution); the object of the suspension must be specified 
Part 1, Main Motions. These motions are listed in order of precedence. A motion can be introduced if it is higher on the chart than the pending motion.
§ indicates the section from Robert's Rules.








§21 Close meeting I move to adjourn
§20 Take break I move to recess for ...
§19 Register complaint I rise to a question of privilege
§18 Make follow agenda I call for the orders of the day
§17 Lay aside temporarily I move to lay the question on the table
§16 Close debate I move the previous question
§15 Limit or extend debate I move that debate be limited to ...
§14 Postpone to a certain time I move to postpone the motion to ...
§13 Refer to committee I move to refer the motion to ...
§12 Modify wording of motion I move to amend the motion by ...
§11 Kill main motion I move that the motion be postponed indefinitely
§10 Bring business before assembly (a main motion) I move that [or "to"] ...

Part 2, Incidental Motions. No order of precedence. These motions arise incidentally and are decided immediately.








§23 Enforce rules Point of Order
§24 Submit matter to assembly I appeal from the decision of the chair
§25 Suspend rules I move to suspend the rules
§26 Avoid main motion altogether I object to the consideration of the question
§27 Divide motion I move to divide the question
§29 Demand a rising vote I move for a rising vote
§33 Parliamentary law question Parliamentary inquiry
§33 Request for information Point of information

Part 3, Motions That Bring a Question Again Before the Assembly.
No order of precedence. Introduce only when nothing else is pending.








Take matter from table
I move to take from the table ...
§35 Cancel previous action I move to rescind ...
2/3 or Majority with notice
§37 Reconsider motion I move to reconsider ...

At the end of it all, the purpose for all this is to ensure that the body is represented and that no single person dominates the business, and to ensure that the body does not suppress any individual.

I love you all.

Larry Vance
Gatha and Arlo Vance Family President

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Arlo and Gatha Vance family: Thanks for the Blog

I had hoped to see a lot of activity on our blog.  The ones that have posted have been very interesting.  I love my family and do like to know what is happening with everyone.

 I have been having atrial fibrilations.. I was in the hospital for a few hours.  Gloria came and took me home from the hospital, and took me to the places that I needed to go.  She is a great blessing to me.   I went to the doctor the next day and  he gave me some medicine and hopefully I will not continue to have such problems.

I was released as a Family Search Missionary.  I loved that calling and have found many things about our family. I have spent more time in the Temple.  That is a special blessing for me.  I have 900 names to do the work for.

Arlo and Gatha Vance family: Thanks for the Blog

Arlo and Gatha Vance family: Thanks for the Blog

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Thanks for the Blog

I am excited to again have the blog.  It was a great blessing to me and I am glad that we will now have it again.  I had such a good time at the Larry and Jeanette reunion.  I enjoyed the children and everyone.  It was a great blessing to me.  I also enjoyed two days with Danette and Gary's family.  Gary, thank you for going out of your way to pick me up.  That was a nice 2 days.

Larry and Jeanette were so very nice to me.  They came on Thursday night and spent the night with me.  We left on Friday morning and visited with Anita and Arlo.  Their reunion was a lot of fun.  We stayed in a mountain cabin with Larry and Jeanette's children and grandchildren. There was a place to prepare meals and enjoy each other.  The games were fun and well prepared.  Thank you Larry and Jeanette and family. I felt great love there.

Larry and Jeanette picked me up at Danette's and went to Longmont, Colorado to the Gatha and Arlo Vance reunion.  It was at Andrea's home and hosted by Kent and Betty, though Betty was not able to be there, but Andrea was a great hostess.  I loved being there with all of my children and some of my grandchildren. It was a great time.  Thank you Kent and Andrea.

Saturday night, Kent, and Bonnie and Larry and Jeanette and I, went to Kent and Betty's.  It was so good to see Betty.  She was a wonderful hostess.  She made a place for us to sleep and fixed a great breakfast for all of us.  Kent and Bonnie and I left there, Sunday morning and we drove to Don and Gloria's.  Bonnie had left her car at Don and Gloria's, we spent what was left of that night at Don and Gloria's.  Gloria fixed a good breakfast for us.  Bonnie took her car and went to Shandi's to spent time with her family.  Kent and I drove through Zions, Canyon, on our way to St George, where Kent spent that week with me.  Bonnie, and Don and Gloria came and spent some time with us.  I didn't go to the Family History Library that week.  It was a great week with my children.  I spent three weeks with my children.  One of the great blessings of my life.  I love my children and am proud of all of them.

Thursday, August 7, 2014


We have a talented family.  One talent can be enjoyed at this site:

Danette enjoys writing, as many of you.  Anyway we would like to share this blog.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Newest Arrival to the Vance Family

Jason and Brandi Ensz welcomes baby Quierra Lynn Ensz on August 1, 2014!  Now Cory is a Grandpa Vance!  The whole family is excited about this addition.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Reunion 2014

We were packed in, but I really enjoyed seeing all who came.  I've been really hungry for family and I felt that I was well fed.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Summary of Arlo/Gatha Family Meeting
Written by Gloria Vance

Held on July 26, 2014 in Longmont, Colorado
It was discussed that we as a family we need to be in touch with each other to be closer together.  Grandma Gatha discussed how family members are her most precious jewels.  Discussed 4 main subjects:
1.        Organization of family and next reunion.
a.       Bonnie is in charge in 2016.  She suggested getting a spot in Brian Head in a friend’s cabin.  It will be held for 2 days, 1 night. 
b.      The date needs to be chosen and place early so others can make necessary arrangements before had. (by end of 2014) then notify family members.
c.       No annual dues will be required.  It can be paid on a volunteer basis.  The Secretary/Treasurer will be in charge of collection.
2       Communication between families
a.       The Arlo & Gatha Vance Blog will be activated once again for this communication.   It is wanted to be a private family blog.
b.      Gatha and each child will be administrators who can invite all their family members
c.       All need a gmail account to login
d.      Each administrator will be in charge of their family postings and review them before posting on blog.  They will be able to add or remove people or posts.
e.      The administrators need to contact each other at least every other month.
f.        Allow only family members to be able to access the blog
g.       Purpose is to keep the family in touch with each other and grow in relationship.
3       Officers – elected
President – Larry; 
Vice President – Jeanette; 
Secretary/Treasurer – Gloria; 
Historian – Kent
Some family members may not want things posted as far as family information, we are to honor their request.

The administrators need to contact each other in September, 2014. 
Gloria will keep record of any money given to be used for the family in reunions, or other necessary items/projects. 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Gatha's Life

    I was born in Antonito, Conejos, Colorado on 24 October 1928.  I am the second child of James Edward  Bingham and Cora Emily Dunn..  I have a brother, Keith Edward, who is older than me, he was born in Manassa, Colorado.  Next in line is  Teddy Leon, then Barbara Ann, Cora LaRue, and Last Doris Faye.  We lived in Antonito a very short time.My Dad worked for a grocery Store there.  We moved back to Manassa, where Leon was born.  All of my siblings were born in Manassa.
    Before I went to school, my dad worked for a man in Saguache, Colorado.  While we lived there Keith and I were playing on a two wheel trailer and I fell off and cut my head.  I still have a scar where it was cut.  Keith broke his arm while we lived there.
   We moved back to Manassa, where I went to school until I was in the 4th grade.  Through that time, we lived across the street from Helen Culler's family.  Helen and I were good friends.  
   The year that I was eight, our family, (except for Doris Faye, who wasn't born yet), and Mom's  sister Doris, went to Los Angeles, California.  My dad's aunt Mattie had a home there. She died and left the home to Dad and his sister May.  We went there to settle the estate.  On the way home to Manassa, we went to Mesa, Arizona to the temple, where we were sealed as a forever family. That was one of the great days of my life.
   When we got back to Manassa, Mom and Dad decided to buy a 60 acre farm two and a half miles from each Romeo and  and Antonito.  That was the home we spent most of our lives in.  We went to Romeo to School and to church.  We were members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. (The greatest blessing of our lives). I don't believe there is anything on the Earth that compares with it.  We belonged to the Romeo Ward.
   Our school was in an old bank building.  It had two stories.  The top was a stage, a bathroom. a kitchen, where our school lunches were prepared and a class room.  There was a floor with basketball standards on the East and the West ends. Assemblies and dances were held there. There was a bus garage connected to the building.  The first and second grades were in one room.  The third and fourth were held in one room. the fifth and sixth were in one room and the seventh and eighth were held in one room.  The high school was held in three rooms. The year after I graduated from High School, The building burned down.
   In 1944, my Mom was hurt, while riding on a tractor with my Dad,  They were combining a field of grain and when they stopped, as my Mom was getting off of the tractor, the power-takeoff broke and swung around and cut my Mom's leg from the knee to the hip.  It was a cut almost to the bone.  She had complications from that. She lived for about a month, and infection set in and she died.  She died on the 11th of October 1944. That has been the hardest thing I have ever gone through in my life.  Today it has been sixty eight years and it still is hard to talk about.  My Mom was one of the best people I have ever known.  She was a gentle patient mom.  She taught me so many things and especially how to behave..
   I was still in high school.  My Dad was so unhappy.  He could not stand the farm that he had loved because he and Mom were so together. You hardly saw one without the other.  They were and example of the kind of love that makes a happy home.  He sold the farm and we moved into town of Romeo.  In the short time there we lived in three different houses.  I was the oldest girl and the responsibilities of the home were in a way on me.  I did not make a good mom to my  brothers and sisters.  They didn't want my telling them what to do. My Dad never got over grieving for my Mom's death.
    When I was a senior in High School I met and Married Arlo Vance. on the 30th of May 1946.  I was still in High School.  We moved to LaJara, and I either drove to Romeo to school or rode on the train, which ran from Alamosa to Chama New Mexico in the mornitng and returned at night. I graduated from High school in May 1946  I had been married for three months when Dad checked himself into the hospital in Alamosa,  Arlo and I drove him there.  He had a hernia which he need to get repaired.  He had complications from the surgery and had another surgery.  He got lockage of the bowels and died on July 11, 1946.
   That was a hard time for all of us.  There was never after that a place to go home to.  Keith retured home from the Navy (World War II).  I got a wire from him that he had been discharged from the Navy and was on his way home. Dad had just died.  There was no way to warn Keith.  Someone met every train and bus that came into Alamosa, (the only way to get home).  He was home in time for the funeral.  
    Doris Faye came to live with Arlo and me, Leon went with Aunt May, Barbara went to California to live with Aunt Ethel and Uncle Don.  LaRue stayed with Grandma and Grandpa Dunn.  Keith went to Los Alamos, New Mexico.  After six years all of my brothers and sisters, except Keith were living with Grandma and Grandpa Dunn.
    When Arlo and I were married on the 30th of March 1946, Doris Faye came to live with us in July and Donnie was born on the 28th of January 1947,  Arlo and I had lived with Grandma Vance and in Isabel's little house.  He went to work for Guymons. Donnie and  Kent and Bonnie were born as we lived there.  In about 1952, we left Guymons, We lived for one year in a farm house between Bountiful and Sanford.  From there Arlo worked for Thales Haskell and we lived on a farm Northwest of Romeo.  We lived there for a year.  Larry was born there, Donnie was born.While we were there Arlo had back problems.  Richard and Roxanne (Arlo's brother), came for Christmas.  When they left, they drove Arlo to the veterans hospital in Grand Junction, where he was intraction for a month and they transfered him to Denver, where he had surgery on his back.  While he was there, we had to leave the farm where we lived.  I moved my family to Manassa, where we lived until 1983.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Mama's Coat

I understand that when I was a little boy, my mother took her own winter coat and cut it up to make a coat for me.  Mom, can you tell me more about that?

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Early Trips to the Mountains

We lived at Guymon's place and drove the Model A. We went to LaJara Creek. I don't know if we ever went there after we moved away from Guymon's. It was in LaJara Canyon. Arlo liked to fish there and Doris Faye and Don and Kent were the family then. We went there one day and spent the day. Arlo fished until dark and we started home. It started raining and it came down very hard. The storm followed us all the way out of the canyon and to our home. We couldn't see rain in front of us or after us, but the roof leaked, it came down so hard and fast. It was like the rain was our best friend or worst enemy. All of us were wet when we got home.

Fishing was Arlo's favorite thing to do.

He also enjoyed a ride in the mountains and to follow roads to see what was at the end of the road. We wandered all over the mountains. One day I went with him in the Jeep station wagon. He liked to sight see along the sides of the road. We rode up a high mountain road, where you felt like if you fell off, you would land in China. As we were going down the hill, the car hit some loose gravel and we went off the road and rolled down the hill. He said we rolled twice, I'm not sure we did that, but we landed on all four wheels and had a hard time driving out onto the road again. We did get back on the road and drove home. As we rolled, I hit the ceiling and my seat folded up. I landed on the folded seat and had a fish hook in my bottom. That took some effort to get out. Didn't feel good. We got razzed when we got home. There was no denying that we had rolled. The jeep had gravel on the roof and some dents.

We did have a few adventures.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Death of Arlo's Brother, Melvin and our trip to Washington

Arlo's brother, Melvin, lived in the state of Washington, he died there, It was requested that a family member come to Washington to identify him and prepare to bring him to Colorado to bury him. Arlo and I, (Gatha), and Earl and his wife, Augusta. (is first wife). went to Washington.

Kent was a small child and I was still nursing him. Grandma Dunn tended Don and Kent, so I could go with them to identify and prepare Melvin to bring him home.

Melvin and his dad weren't very good friends. Melvin left home when he was young and the family didn't know where he was for many years. He had never married and Arlo hadn't seen him for a long time. He joined the army and was finally in touch with his family. He came to LaJara when Grandpa Vance, Arlo's dad, died. Arlo didn't know him when he saw him.

On with the story. Arlo, Earl, Gus and I drove to Washington. It was January and it was a very cold and snowy time. Idaho was snowed in, so they decided to go through Arizona and Nevada. Flagstaff was snowed in. There were drifts on the sides of the road, so high that we hardly saw any homes in Flagstaff. We went a hundred miles into Nevada and the pass we had to go through was closed, so we drove the hundred miles Back to Arizona, and drove through California. We did finally reach Washington. Arlo and Earl took care of the business of getting things ready for Melvin to be shipped by train to Alamosa and on to LaJara, where the funeral was and he was buried in the Manassa Cemetery.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

80----------continued----35         THINGS I HAVE DONE WITH MY FAMILY

                                                        Temple Trip

  I think one of the things I remember most is when Arlo and I took our family to Mesa Arizona to the temple to be sealed as a family forever.
     Several things happened before this happened.  Our ward in Manassa had a special program to prepare families to go to the temple.  It was before Monday nights were set apart for home evenings.  We had a meeting each Monday night to help us prepare for this great blessing.  We had been married long enough for Donnie to be getting ready to go on a mission, and I felt so strongly that if we didn't go to the temple before he left home that possibly we would never get out family all there for the sealing.  I was so very anxious for this blessing that I fasted 2 days a week for many weeks, possibly as long as a year.  I started my fast on Sunday morning and broke my fast after we had refreshments after our Monday night meeting.  It was not hard to do this as I wanted the blessing so badly that I was glad to do it.  I fed my family and didn't even feel a need to eat.
     After the lessons were all given,  Elma, my aunt taught a special class on preparing families to go to the temple and challenged the class to prepare to go to Mesa, Arizona to the temple, on the 15th of February 1966.
     We borrowed Elma's car and drove to mesa and were sealed in the temple on that day.  That was one of the greatest blessings of my life.  I pray always that all of us will be worthy for that blessing for eternity.  Donnie had his endowment on the same day.  He was prepared to go on a mission.  He went to the Central American Mission.

                                                       Trip to Los Alamos

     Arlo never seemed to be able to get off work to go with us, so I took my children, Don, Kent , Bonnie and Larry and went on several trips.  The one I will tell you about was when we went to Los Alamos to spend some time with Keith and Erma and their family.  Arlo's brother, Earl, gave Arlo a blue Volkswagen pickup.  It had a back seat.  We had a great time with Keith's family.  Los Alamos, at that time was a restricted city.  We had to have Keith's family come to the station at the gate and make it possible for us to enter.  Keith took us to his work place, where there were interesting thing about the making of the atomic bomb.  It was interesting.  We also went to some Indian ruins, Bandalier.  It was an Indian village built on the side of a mountain. That was fun.

                                                          Trip to Pueblo

       My children and I decided to go to Pueblo, to visit my friend, Nona.  That was a lot of fun.  Nona and I had been friends since I was in the fourth grade.  We had a lot of fun, but when we started home, our car broke down.  Arlo had to come and get us.  Tom Rogers picked our car, (the Volkswagen pickup),on one of his trucks. and brought it home to Manassa.  He later took it to Santa Fe to have it repaired.

                                                   A trip to Los Alamos with my sisters

       My sisters, Barbara, LaRue and Doris Faye, and our children piled into our old car and drove to
 Los Alamos,  We were a little crowded, but it was fun.  The seat belt laws were not in effect then.  At that time all of my sisters lived in Manassa.  As I remember it, Barbara lived in the old Christensen house,  Harold was overseas and LaRue lived in a trailer  house on the lot where we lived and Doris Faye lived in her home there.  I hope my memory is right.  We had a lot of fun together.