Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Summary of Arlo/Gatha Family Meeting
Written by Gloria Vance

Held on July 26, 2014 in Longmont, Colorado
It was discussed that we as a family we need to be in touch with each other to be closer together.  Grandma Gatha discussed how family members are her most precious jewels.  Discussed 4 main subjects:
1.        Organization of family and next reunion.
a.       Bonnie is in charge in 2016.  She suggested getting a spot in Brian Head in a friend’s cabin.  It will be held for 2 days, 1 night. 
b.      The date needs to be chosen and place early so others can make necessary arrangements before had. (by end of 2014) then notify family members.
c.       No annual dues will be required.  It can be paid on a volunteer basis.  The Secretary/Treasurer will be in charge of collection.
2       Communication between families
a.       The Arlo & Gatha Vance Blog will be activated once again for this communication.  http://arloandgathavancefamlily.blogspot.com/   It is wanted to be a private family blog.
b.      Gatha and each child will be administrators who can invite all their family members
c.       All need a gmail account to login
d.      Each administrator will be in charge of their family postings and review them before posting on blog.  They will be able to add or remove people or posts.
e.      The administrators need to contact each other at least every other month.
f.        Allow only family members to be able to access the blog
g.       Purpose is to keep the family in touch with each other and grow in relationship.
3       Officers – elected
President – Larry; 
Vice President – Jeanette; 
Secretary/Treasurer – Gloria; 
Historian – Kent
Some family members may not want things posted as far as family information, we are to honor their request.

The administrators need to contact each other in September, 2014. 
Gloria will keep record of any money given to be used for the family in reunions, or other necessary items/projects. 


Jeanette said...

Great notes. Thanks Gloria.

Kent said...
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Red said...

Now it is important we get the word out to start checking the blog.