Saturday, August 16, 2014

Thanks for the Blog

I am excited to again have the blog.  It was a great blessing to me and I am glad that we will now have it again.  I had such a good time at the Larry and Jeanette reunion.  I enjoyed the children and everyone.  It was a great blessing to me.  I also enjoyed two days with Danette and Gary's family.  Gary, thank you for going out of your way to pick me up.  That was a nice 2 days.

Larry and Jeanette were so very nice to me.  They came on Thursday night and spent the night with me.  We left on Friday morning and visited with Anita and Arlo.  Their reunion was a lot of fun.  We stayed in a mountain cabin with Larry and Jeanette's children and grandchildren. There was a place to prepare meals and enjoy each other.  The games were fun and well prepared.  Thank you Larry and Jeanette and family. I felt great love there.

Larry and Jeanette picked me up at Danette's and went to Longmont, Colorado to the Gatha and Arlo Vance reunion.  It was at Andrea's home and hosted by Kent and Betty, though Betty was not able to be there, but Andrea was a great hostess.  I loved being there with all of my children and some of my grandchildren. It was a great time.  Thank you Kent and Andrea.

Saturday night, Kent, and Bonnie and Larry and Jeanette and I, went to Kent and Betty's.  It was so good to see Betty.  She was a wonderful hostess.  She made a place for us to sleep and fixed a great breakfast for all of us.  Kent and Bonnie and I left there, Sunday morning and we drove to Don and Gloria's.  Bonnie had left her car at Don and Gloria's, we spent what was left of that night at Don and Gloria's.  Gloria fixed a good breakfast for us.  Bonnie took her car and went to Shandi's to spent time with her family.  Kent and I drove through Zions, Canyon, on our way to St George, where Kent spent that week with me.  Bonnie, and Don and Gloria came and spent some time with us.  I didn't go to the Family History Library that week.  It was a great week with my children.  I spent three weeks with my children.  One of the great blessings of my life.  I love my children and am proud of all of them.


Kent said...

I enjoyed being with my family for a while. The time went too quickly!

Red said...

Families are so very important. Learning to love and share is equally important. Gloria