Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Reunion

We were fortunate to have some time to spend together in Pine Valley, Utah. Momma Gatha has a friend that owns this fine place we stayed for a couple days. We gathered and conversed.

We worked in the projects for the reunion that have been proceeding for the past few months.

We then began to have some fun. We played games -- like this redneck horseshoe game. Balls on a rope were hurled at a stand with three rungs. The lower rung scores three, the middle two, and the top but one. Here Emery shows off his style.

And here is Bonnie holding her cache of blue balls waiting her turn.

We had a jumping good time.

Sometimes I even surprise myself.

Shandi says, "What are you thinking?"

Monica just is happy to be here.

And then there is the good looking brother, Kent.

We enjoyed watching some skits.

Some are less inclined to be photographed.

With some coercion I was able to see most of her face.

Now she thinks it is funny.

And then we see. It was our beautiful Danette. Why be camera shy?

Someone scores a ringer.

YUP, it was me.

Story time.

We had a birthday party. Here Katee is toting her bag on her shoulder.

The store was kept for last. There was a merit system, where each participant was allowed to earn redneck bucks to spend at the store. Here are the hoards descending on the booty.

Aubrey followed her mothers queue of being a bit reluctant to put on her best for a photograph.

But her grandpa, Don, was there at his best.

Then we packed and ...

Said goodbye.


Gloria said...

Good summary, good time! thanks for the documentation so we can refer and remember!

Larry said...

Please feel free to add your comments and summaries.

Unknown said...

I believe that our reunion was a very special time. It would have been good for more of the family to be there, but the ones who were had a wonderful time. The games were great and the store was a lot of fun. I was thankful that Don and Gloria, Kent and Betty, Bonnie and Emery, and Larry and Jeanette were there. One of the great blessings of my life was the day in the temple. All of them were in the prayer circle, except Gloria, she sat out so Don was with me. That was wonderful to me.

Larry said...

Do you have any more pictures or things to relate?