Friday, January 30, 2009

Adam's goal

Adam is going to be involved with the Boy Scouts of America National Jamboree in Fort A.P> Hill Virginia on July 26th through Aug 4th in the year 2010. The scout Council from this area is taking 5 troops and have arranged for a week long tour of the East Coast before attending the Jamboree. They plan on visiting; Niagara Falls and Museum of Natural History in New York. They will stop in Palmyra then travel to Philadelpia where they will see the LIberty Bell and Independence Square as well as Gettsburg. On the third day they will arrive in Washington D.C. where they will visit the Holocaust Muesum, Smithsonian Museum, Vietnam & Korean Memorial, Air & Space Museum, Mint Museum and the Ford Theatre and of course the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial. A trip to Arlington Cemetery, the National Catherdral and the Washington D.C. LDS Temple are also on the agenda. He will also get to see Fort McHenry in Maryland. (this is the birth place of the National Anthem) He is also attending a baseball game in Baltimore.
After all the touring he will be going to the Jamboree where they can; scuba dive, kayak, raft, trap shoot, archery, bike, play buck skin games, and much, much more. It's said to house
18, 000 tents, 36,000 partrol kitchens and 43,000 scouts and leaders. The President of the United States will address them and big ticket entertainers are puttin gon concerts.
So you can see this is going to be a chance of a life time.
However, an event like this isn't free, so Adam is going to be raising money through various different fund raisers and work.
The odd thing about this is, I (his mother) was so opposed to spending this money to go. It will be $2,550. But one Sunday morning I heard, "your son needs to do this." Adam has turned fourteen and for some you know what that means. I believe the reason he needs to be involved in this is to have a goal that he has to work toward. I'm excited to see him work to earn this chance. So we thought we would let you know that is what he is doing and if there is anything he can do for you (long distance is hard) then let us know. We apprieciate your support and love.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am excited for Adam. I went on a tour of Church history and American History. Most of the things you said about the things he will be doing are things that we did and saw on our tour. All of it is wonderful. Earning a good part of it is wonderful too. Adam, I can hardly believe that you are 14 years old. What great opportunity to be able to do such neat things. I love you and am proud of you. Grandma Gatha