Sunday, April 26, 2009

Remembering Mission

I have a history of Arlo and this is part of it: On April 2, 1981 he went to Denver for his first heart by-pass operation after accepting a call to serve a mission with Gatha. He needed to prepare himself physically to go. After 2 more operations and time to recuperate he was ready to go.

Heavenly Father called them to serve in the Holbrook, Arizona Mission. They were to report on September 29, 1982, to the Mission Training Center in Provo, Utah.
While serving their Heavenly Father for twelve months, Gatha and Arlo were able to grow spiritually, see the power of the Priesthood and the Spirit of the Lord in action. They developed a love for the Lamanites (Indians). Their love for each other grew very much during these times. They had fun times too. The Indian children loved to rub his bald head. He said at one time, “If you want your head shined go on a mission.” Another time he locked Gatha in the bathroom, turned on the hot water in the kitchen while Gatha was showering, giving her a cold shower. He had a good sense of humor.

I remember the time the kids and I went to pick up Arlo and Gatha in Zuni, New Mexico from their mission. It was a special time for us. We were able to see the trailer and the church in Zuni. We were able to go to a special meeting at the mission home where they cut Grandpa's necktie and a lock of Grandma's hair at the end of their mission. I also remember when Don and I took Arlo and Gatha to the mission home and able to attend a meeting there to say 'good-bye'. I knew after that meeting that is was a special place for them to be. The spirit was really strong. When I took Danette to the mission home I knew from this time that she was going to be in a special place.


Kent said...

Gloria, Thank you so much for sharing this. It was during their mission that I learned to see a different side of my Dad that I wish I would have seen years earlier. I feel that we were really born of goodly parents.

Unknown said...

Our mission was a special time. I had forgotten some of the things that happened there. Time takes away some of the memories if they are not written down. I do have some things written, but I will do a post about some of the things that we enjoyed on our mission.