Monday, May 4, 2009

another remember

Remember when Grandpa would sit in his recliner and some of his grandkids would sit on his lap enjoying the love he shared with them. Danette loved for Grandpa to scatch her back. It seemed like for a long time... several minutes... he would satisfy her. I also remember when the grandkids would take of grandpa's boots for him. Now his son likes for the grandkids to do the same for him! ha ... like father, like son. Marcy was Grandpa's 'genuine Mormon baby', since she was born on 'Mormon Christmas', 24th of July. Cory was his first grandson to carry on his name. Grandpa Arlo was the only Grandpa the kids remember in this earthly life. (My kids knew there great grandpa Asa.) Don always felt left out when he didn't have a grandpa to enjoy growing up with. I remember both my grandpas, but one was with me longer than thuther. I am glad to be a grandparent and hope ALL my grandchildren receive uplifting praise as my grandparents gave me.


Unknown said...

There are a lot of things that make good memories. Thank you for the post.

Kent said...

I was always jealous of kids who talked about their grandpas because I didn't have one.

Grandpa Dunn and I got close in his final years. I used to love to talk to him about the olden days. Each weekend, when I came home to visit from my military post, we would visit. Each time he would tell me that it was probably the last time we would have a chance to talk. Then, one weekend, he told me, "I'll see you next weekend." That was the last time I ever talked to him.

Gloria said...

thanks for sharing Kent did he tell you some fun things that were fun, or funny?

Andrea said...

Grandpa Vance would make this goofy Donald Duck noise when he would tickled us!!

One time when the parental units were gone with Grandma Gatha somewhere late in the night, Grandpa Vance was left to tend over the offspring Don Vance and Kent Vance. All the cousins were asleep with the exception of myself. I wanted to see if Grandpa would come to check up on me, so I wimpered like a little puppy. Eventually I could hear him get up from his recliner. He came into the room and I quickly quieted up. I could see his shadow on the wall and I got nervous I would get into trouble, so I lay silent when he put his hand on my back to make sure I was ok.

There is a statue of Theodore Roosevelt in front of my office building and often times it reminds me of Grandpa.

I miss him!!

Andrea said...

Grandpa Vance would make this goofy Donald Duck noise when he would tickled us!!

One time when the parental units were gone with Grandma Gatha somewhere late in the night, Grandpa Vance was left to tend over the offspring Don Vance and Kent Vance. All the cousins were asleep with the exception of myself. I wanted to see if Grandpa would come to check up on me, so I wimpered like a little puppy. Eventually I could hear him get up from his recliner. He came into the room and I quickly quieted up. I could see his shadow on the wall and I got nervous I would get into trouble, so I lay silent when he put his hand on my back to make sure I was ok.

There is a statue of Theodore Roosevelt in front of my office building and often times it reminds me of Grandpa.

I miss him!!

Kent said...

I miss him too. I remember the Dog and Cat fight noises he would make around the camp fire. It really did sound like a dog and a cat were going at it.