Monday, December 15, 2008

The Old Opera House

I did a Google search to find something from Manassa that I could write about and found this picture with a title, School. The building may belong to the school now, but when I was a boy, it was the Opera House.
I don't know when the building was built, but I was in this building a lot of times as a child. I believe it originally belonged to the LDS church. I took two tap dance lessons from Elsie Brady in this building. I practiced basketball in this building with the Elementary school. I can't remember the coach's name, but I do remember the talk he gave me about working hard at being good at something. I should have worked harder with both of these endeavors.
Mother worked in the kitchen of this building when the school used the building as the school hot lunch building. Mom would bring home cans of leftovers for her four little pigs.
I would have liked to attend an Opera in this building when it was really the Opera House.


Gloria said...

I attended a Smith Reunion in that building many years ago!

Unknown said...

At one time the Opera House was used as the academy and my mom went to school there. It was a dance hall as I grew up. There were many things held in that building. That is where Grandma and Grandpa's golden wedding celebration was held. Maybe I am wrong about that being the building where the Academy was. It was called the opera house because it was used for that purpose, I think

The place where I worked in hot lunch was in the bottom story of the old school house.

Larry said...

When I was a boy scout I learned how to shoot in this building. There was an indoor trap that was set up. I did receive my hunter safety card.

Kent said...

Thanks for correcting me, Mom. That goes to show you how our memories play tricks on us. This is an illustration of why it's important to write things down as they happen.