Thursday, July 24, 2008

A fork in the road

As I travelled down the rugged road
My shoulders ached beneath the load.
The sun was setting, the light grew dim.
It would not be long til I returned to Him.

I came to a fork where I had to choose.
One way I'd win, and the other I'd lose.
The lane on the left to the past it led
And sign on right "to the future" read.

I knew the past with its familiar lies.
I feared the future with unknown skies.
I longed for the comfort of things I knew,
Yet I searched my heart for what to do.

The familiar path though the easiest
Would never take me to what I love best.
To the past, though familiar I yearned to go .
The future held the key if I'd let it show.

I turn my back on old lessons learned.
To the future I veer. Blessings I'll earn.
Toward family, peace, self respect and love.
I can do this, I know, with help from above.

The road to the right remains well lit,
But the lane to the left calls me a bit.
When I stop and consider the price of sin
I am determined to to endure. I know I can win.

Kent Vance


Jeanette said...

Very unplifting and encouraging. Thank you for writing and sharing. Love ya, JCV

Gloria said...

I know you can win too. I just hope I'm in that group too. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and talents.

Unknown said...

You are on the path, you will win. I pray always that we will all be together. I like your poetry. Thank you for your inspiration. Mpm

Larry said...

The race is done
The prize is won.

The Son did pay
To save the day.

The Father had love
He sent from above.

He gave us family
So we could be.

We owe him all,
We are so small.

I know the way
It is to Obey.

Gloria said...

Are these your own words, Larry? very thought provoting. thanks.

Larry said...

I borrowed all the words from the dictionary, by I arranged them in the particular order they are presented.

Larry said...

I made the verse,
I made it terse.

I took a moment
To express my intent.

I was not long
To create the song.

I made it rhyme,
I made it prime.

I know the word;
The word I heard.

I want to obey,
Up there I'll stay.

Unknown said...

Kent and Larry. I am impressed with your poetry. Your thoughts are special. Mom

Gloria said...

Becky loves to read Dr. Suess, maybe she could rhyme with Uncle Larry!

Larry said...

Come see me Becky
It can be real fun.

You could be lucky.
You could be a Texan.