Wednesday, July 30, 2008

It Was Fun Camping

Here is Becky with the calves and Becky and Jason playing in the Assay Creek by where we went camping with Grandma Gatha. It was a nice
place to camp if you don't mind the traffic which we could hear going up and down the highway, but not near us, as well as the leftovers from the cows! We did have fun. Jason enjoyed fishing, even with no bait, and fishing with his Grandpa Don. There were no other campers around us when we set up camp but one when we left.


Kent said...

It's always nice to see pictures of the family. Were Becky and Jason really in the water at 6AM? I'm not worth much at that time of the morning.

Larry said...

I think it is funny that the cattle were following Becky. I guess they are just good judges of character.

Gloria said...

No the time on the camera needs to be adjusted! But they did have lots of time in the water on Friday! I need to get on the ball. We video'd the calves following her. It was interesting.

Larry said...

Post the video. You can create a YouTube account and then upload the video to YouTube. Then you can link to it in the BLOG.

Gloria said...

sounds kinda complicated for little ole me....

Larry said...

Actually it is not complicated. It just requires a few steps.

Create a YouTube account.

Just bring up and select "sign in with google account"

Push the [UPLOAD] button at the top right of the screen.

Fill in the information about the video.

Push the [upload a video...] button

Put the address of the video in the upload cell and push upload.


Go to myvideos on

Copy the contents of the Embed: field

paste the contents of the embed field into your BLOGGER article and publish it.

Presto -- your video for the masses.