Thursday, November 6, 2008

Our Last Year in Romeo

We moved into the Paul weddington house. It was on the northeast corner of the block that Shirley Sorenson lived in. We lived there until two months after I was married. This letter was written when Dad was moving from that house that is explained in the letter. The only house that I lived in, in the town of Romeo, is the house that I just described. That is where we lived when Nona and Moine and Arlo and I dated. We were together most of the time as we courted.

One day when we lived there, someone came into my class room at school and said "Gatha, your house is on fire". I jumped over a desk and ran as fast as I could to the house and Barbara had ironed a dress to wear to school and left the iron on. It burned a hole in the ironing boar and was starting to burn the floor. We got there in time to put the fire out.

There was always something going on. Life was not easy without a mom. When I have heard people complain about their moms I would say, "I'll trade you places.


Kent said...

I love it when you share these details about your life. These are things I don't remember hearing before.

I don't know what it's like to be without a mother. I have appreciated your love and support thoughout my life.

There are times when I miss Dad. Although we worked together for a couple of years between Donnie's mission and Mine, I didn't know him as well as I would have liked to.

Thanks again for sharing the story about the fire. Somehow, I just can't picture you jumping over a desk and running.

Unknown said...

Kent, I meant to put this post by the letter to Keith, but I didn't know how to do it. Can you move it?
It would make more sense. Thank you. Mom

Gloria said...

It is interesting to read of others experiences. I know that fire can be pretty scary! We had out experience with fire in Alamosa, several times, and also been blessed to not much damage, with a watchful care. Indeed we have a loving Heavenly Father to help us in challenges, or growing times. I also believe in guardian angels as well. Life isn't the storm we face, but how we come out of it! Indeed it is a journey.

Kent said...

Mom, I copied your comment to the other post, and I linked this post to it as well. We couldn't move it without losing the comments and I think those comments are valuable.

Gloria, I remember when you had one of your fire experiences in Alamosa. We're fortunate that it was no worse that it was. I think there are times that we have guardian angels and are complete unaware.