Friday, November 14, 2008

The Traditional Thanksgiving

Some say the traditional Thanksgiving began in Plymouth. For me it was a gathering at one of homes of my aunts or uncles in Manassa. The family packed in so tightly that there was hardly enough room to move. There was roast turkey, sage dressing, stuffed celery, mashed potatoes and gravy, fruit salad, fresh rolls, and plenty of pie. The menu was not as important to me as the closeness I felt with those I loved and a sense of belonging to something larger than I.
There was laughter and sharing. There was sharing of family news, encouragement, and love. As I remember, uncles would often disappear to a nearby home to watch a football game after the meal. The women would clean up the tables and the kitchen. As kids, we would play and laugh and build a stronger bond with one another.
I still try to have family gatherings with my children. Will there ever be another like those we had in Manassa?


Unknown said...

I agree, those thanksgiving dinners were very special. The memories of past family gatherings were special to me. We still do get together with the family that we have here. There is nothing like family.

Gloria said...

I remember having Thanksgiving at our house on 'Bloomfield Road' and the table was from one end of the living room to the other (which included the dining area at the time) with everyone (Uncles, Aunts, cousins) sitting around the long table eating, laughing and bonding as well when I was growing up.

Danette said...

When I was on my mission I felt cheated during thanksgiving because I couldn't be in the kitchen sneaking bites. I love to taste before it's served. That's part of the meal.

Kent said...

Danette, you've always had your finger in the pie, haven't you? I hope you all have a good Thanksgiving this year.