Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sadie Hawkins Day

When I was in high school, I had a real affinity to reading the "Lil' Abner" comic strip. I was even able to draw most of the characters. This interest in Dogpatch, the home of Lil Abner and his girlfriend, Daisy May, was shared by others in my comunity. Each year, the school had a Sadie Hawkins dance in which the girls could ask the boys out.

I was a Sophomore in High School when I went to my first Sadie Hawkins dance. I was invited by a very smart girl in my class. I felt a bit nervous, but I donned by cut off levis, my burlap belt, and my flannel shirt. My date picked me up and pinned her cabbage corsage on my shoulder and we were off to the school.

I don't remember all of the details because it was such a long, long time ago. I do remember the bails of hay that we sat on and some of the booths around the school gymnasium. The one that holds a grip on my memory was the kissing booth. It was like a square tent made with dark blankets or something. I entered the booth hand in hand terrified of what came next. I had never kissed a girl before and wasn't sure I was ready to do that just yet. I extended my hand and shook her hand. She pulled her hand back and exclaimed, "You fink!"

The rest of the evening was cold and uncomfortable, and not just because I was wearing cut off levis.


Larry said...

It was a bit nostalgic to think back on Sadie Hawkins. I remember a couple of the dances and how I hoped that I would be asked by certain girls. But alas, I was like Sadie Hawkins.

Gloria said...

I never had that opportunity, but Don remembers going to a couple! But he doesn't remember much about it ....