Saturday, March 28, 2009


Andrea asked me about sharing some memories. I am trying to think about some memories...

I remember the girls having water fights with the neighbors. I remember the water fights between Barry Bingham and myself.... all in Manassa.

I remember the gardens Grandma and Grandpa grew. It was fun to benefit from the harvest and to help sometimes with the work in. Grandma still grows a lovely productive garden in St. George. I tried to do some planting in Alamosa, but wasn't as successful. I'm still trying to do gardens. I remember making pickled beets, canning almost 100 quarts of green beans. One year Gatha/Grandma and I did some peppers stuffed with cabbage and pickled them. Grandpa Arlo really liked them. I thought they were good too. I've not done that recipe since. It has been fun to be able to can from the harvest. I do not do much canning lately. It was more useful when I had a larger family at home.


Danette said...

I remember Grandma's garden too. I hated snapping beans. But I loved the produce. We now have our own garden which we love. Even the children enjoy it. I guess Gary wants me to bottle some of it, which I'm not excited about. But I have to teach my children how fun it is to snap thousands of beans so we can bottle them, RIGHT! Just recently we upped the anny on Saturday chores, I've always said that's why I'm having kids so they can do the work for me.(ha the cycle of life) We are glad we have them, their good kids.

Kent said...

I don't think I have ever known anyone in my life that liked water fights as well as you, Gloria! I remember once when you came to visit us in Longmont. We had a water fight and I had to turn to water main off to keep the fight from going too far and filling our basement with water.

Unknown said...

I remember a water fight at La Manga camp ground, All of our water and all of the ice. Everyone was wet. It was fun, but messy. How I enjoyed my family.

Gloria said...

Danette it will be fun for you and your family ... as well as help. Ask Cory about a water fight in Alamosa, and all the water in the kitchen!

Andrea said...

Oh yeah, water fights with Aunt Gloria!! She will win! :-D

I'm no good at water fights, I tend to slip and twist an ankle that has seen its share of twists! lol