Monday, March 30, 2009

Uncle Don and Family

I remember riding the DUNES with Uncle Don and family in tow! Robert and I loved to burry all of our family! Danette and I would pose for a picture! We loved to be around our cousins!! Aunt Gloria was so much fun!! I believe that is the only time I remember good runs of water going through there, but I've been told it still does that. Every time I've gone it has been very dry, and HOT!

Uncle Don would put Grandma Gatha, Aunt Gloria, Marcy, Danette, Corey, Mom, Dad, Robert and I in a truck, or blazer as the case may be, and run up a hill at what we thought was lighting speed. Really, he was probably crawling, but the bumps made it feel like we were going faster!! We did have a good time! I loved riding in the back of an old pickup with all my cousins under blankets to stay warm!

All the times camping, riding sleds being pulled by The Toy, playing in the garage, sleeping in tents, sleeping in a burning house, climbing trees, climbing in to hay bails... all those things were so much fun! While a lot of those things we were doing, I wasn't really paying attention to Uncle Don, but I know he was there and for that I am greatful because we had the chance to be together as a family! I especially love that his family looked out for us and wanted to be around us! I appreciated Danette's faith and her ability to share that with me when I was around her. I loved that Uncle Don told us how he felt and showed us his way!

I have loved spending time with Uncle Don and his family! Since he and Aunt Gloria have moved to Utah, it hasn't been as easy for me to see them. I miss their presence in the Valley, a hop skip and a jump away. I always have felt welcome and warm in their home and miss the one-on-one times that we've shared.


Kent said...

I miss Don and Gloria's presence in the Valley too. We still have Cory and Marcy in the valley, but we don't get over there often enough. I really, really miss the ease of getting together for a weekend.

Unknown said...

Thank you Andrea for your post. It was fun to be together and Don is fun to be with. Those days are gone but we still have each other and need to be together more.

Danette said...

Oh, good ol'memories. Remember walking around the pig pen? We spent hours hovering over those pigs. Oh and the big hole that we dug out back, that we filled with water like a swimming pool. One of my most treasured memory was during the winter when the neighbor would let his hose run over the fence. It froze over a sage brush that then turned into Kriptennight (SP? superman's planet) We had ice babies and everything! Ha, To be young and carefree.