We spent a couple weeks in Utah last month. We had the opportunity to spend some time with my mother. She bought a new computer and I was compelled to use it while there to keep up on my blogging habit. In the craft/sewing/laundry/storage room that contained the computer was a collection of frames and pictures that were being prepared for the family reunion that was the coming week. There was one needlepoint that was to be mounted and framed. My mother asked me if I would help her with mounting it. I was not very helpful. The time there managed to expire before it was mounted. Mom wanted to mount the needlepoint using tape. I told her that it would not work well and that something mechanical would be much better. She sewed an extension on the needlepoint and stretched it around the back of the mounting board.
Before the work of art was mounted, I noted to Jeanette the nice appearance of both sides of the needlepoint.
We stuffed bags, ate out, looked at historical sites, and many other things.

The family congregated at the cabin that mom arranged to get for our use in Pine Valley. Those that attended the reunion were given the opportunity to earn storebucks for the family store. I earned enough to buy the needlepoint.
Now I need to find a nice place to hang my prize. I think it is beautiful.
that is a very cool needle point!!!!!!!
Larry and Jeanette, I am pleased that you liked the needlepoint. I worked on it from the time that your dad was in the hospital, having heart bypass, until recently when I was going through some of my things, I found it and finished it. I hope it will be good in your home. I enjoyed the reunion so very much. Being with all of you children was special to me. I thank you for the shirts and the meals that you prepared and took care of. Everyone was so helpful. Those who didn't make the effort to come missed a great time. It was so fun and pleasant.
It still needs to be hung. I like it.
I am still contemplating where to hang the prize.
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