Monday, May 19, 2008

Blue eyes

What burdens hide behind your empty face?
What battles in your heart take place?

I can see the sadness in your kind eyes, but I can only guess at the battles that have robbed
Your blue eyes of the light and your heart of the desire that in it once throbbed.

How can I make your burden lighter today?
What kind word would He have me say?
What word or deed could I possibly share that would make your burden lighter,
What thing can I do for you that would make those sad eyes brighter?

I've had a heavy burden on my table
That a times has seemed more than I was able.
Kind words and support have come from the most unexpected places.
Encouragement and love was offered from once hostile faces.

Despair with time has been replaced with hope
Kind words and affection gave me tools to cope.
I came to a fork in my crooked road
With a heavy heart and a difficult load.
Memories of kind words, of love expressed
Helped me have the courage to turn to the right.
I struggle still, but my heart is light.
My beloved friends have loaned me strength
I was stronger then at length.

Dear Brother with the sad blue eyes
Be strong and let me share with you.
The burden is lighter when its shared
as it was for me when someone cared.


Larry said...

My eyes are blue
I love my crew.
I love them true.
What shall I do?

I work and toil
But my plans foil.
They can be royal
Anointed with oil.

The house is grand
The snare was planned.
They did not stand
On the right hand.

Repent I say!
Drive sin away!
Come this way
With the Savior stay.

I have my will
I have it still
I have you 'til
You eat the swill.

I have your care
To break the snare
Of the false air
That goes nowhere.

Thank you brother
And you mother
And thank another
For hope I druther

Have a happy heart
I'll do my part
To get a start
on something smart.

Unknown said...

I have two sons that are great poets. Thank you for you insight and love. life does give hard trials sometimes, but without them we could not progress and overcome the hard times. All of us suffer for past mistakes, but the Savior's atonement makes it possible to go forward and make of ourselves the people that will one day have great blessings. There is hope for all of us. I love all of you so.

Gloria said...

Positive are my thoughts
sway away those sad ones
then wash away will go those blots
the Saviors atonement will say done!
Yes trials are there to grow, strength from one another we will be able to gleam from.... I find everyone has them... trials... hard times... growing periods... but hang in there and we shall make it to the top!

Larry said...

Is this a RKV original?
If it is. What motivated this?

Kent said...

It is an rkv original. It was motivated by some of the volunteer work I do.

Unknown said...

My clever boys.

Larry said...

You could add your poem too.