Friday, May 30, 2008

Papa's right handed

Papa, that's me, is really right handed. I've always known that to be true, but I'm getting to realize just how much it's so this week. I had surgery yesterday on my right thumb, and I have my right hand in a cast.
There are simple things that have a different degree of difficulty now that I am limited to my left hand. Brushing my teeth is a challenge. I'm clumsy, but I can get it done. Combing my hair is almost impossible with my left hand. I'm going to have to find a way to get it done with just the fingers on my right hand. Men's zippers are made for right handed men. Let's hope there are no emergencies in the next week. I'm really slow at getting my trousers open. Buttoning buttons is a challenge for me, but it can be done.
It makes me grateful for the human body. I am amazed at the complexity of the machinery, but even more amazed at how it can heal itself when it is damaged.
I was amazed with the surgery. I went under anesthesia long enough for the Dr. to make the incisions, then they brought me out andwoke me up to use the thumb to insure that it was functioning. I vaguely remember talking to them. The next thing I new, I was in recovery and within an hour I was headed for home.


Larry said...

I am glad to hear that you are getting repaired. The past few days I was just noticing that I did not hurt as much as I sometimes do. Time sometimes helps overcome some of the ailments we have.

Gloria said...

So does this mean you will have a new 'due' or is 'dew'.... anyway a new hair style! with combing it with another hand! why the surgery? Thank goodness for blessings.

Unknown said...

I'm glad that things went as well with your surgery as it did. How long will you be in the cast? I knew it was coming and feel guilty that I didn't call to see how you were doing. Love you Kent.

Kent said...

The surgery was needed because it became quite painful to use my right thumb. It's a condition similar to Carpal Tunnel syndrome.

I am sporting a new hair-do because I have to use my left hand. All three hairs just stand and wave at one another.

The cast comes off on the 9th. By the time we come to the reunion, I'll be learning to use the thumb again.

Larry said...

We saw you boxers glove. We hope you are well. It was great to spend a couple hours with you. We will see you next week.