Sunday, March 30, 2008

Andrea's Promise

Andrea saw this photo during her recent visit and told me that there was a story behind the photo. She promised me that if I posted the picture, she would tell us the story. Andrea, the photo is posted, and we are anxious to hear your story.
Such a cute little Girl I was! :D The other's were cute too! ;-)

Well, I did see this picture while Dad and I were playing on the computer, and I did say that I would post a story about my memories riding in the back of that yellow blazer, not really this particular picture, but the memories that I have of being a city girl, roughing it with my country cousins! You know the City Mouse Country Mouse kind of story! Marcy always reminds me, that I came from the City and they were tougher because they were from the country! I'd beg to differ, but.... ;-) Robert and I always LOVED to be with our Country Cousins from Alamosa!

Anyway, I remember riding in the back of this yellow blazer many, many times! Over the many visits it was modified to fit our many needs and their ever growing extended family. We would often visit the Sand Dunes and the Don Vance family had their vehicle modified this one particular time with the benches that were NOT bolted in the floor of the blazer lined up against the windows for the adults to sit on, while us kids sat on the floor in the middle, on blankets, sometimes us kids were lucky enough to sit on benches while Uncle Don drove up and down the sandy hills of the Dunes to find just the right spot to let us rugrats out to run-a-muck; to play in the water; burry ourselves in the sand; and basically wear the tar out of us so that we'd sleep well when we got back to the Don Vance Family castle.

I think I still have lumps on my head from when we'd hit a bump or two and the benches that were NOT bolted down would fly up, bringing us with it to knock our mellons on the ceiling of the blazer. Little sacrifices we dealth with to enjoy the company of our family and enjoy the Valley sun! I always though Uncle Don was a wild and crazy driver, and that was cool because we wouldn't have been on half the adventures we were in if he didn't take the risks he did!

That was the one particular memory I had of this blazer showing our fun loving cousins, Danette, Cory and the RKent Vance Family offspring, Andrea and Robert. I WOULDN'T TRADE THOSE MOMENTS FOR ANYTHING!
~I better get back to work for now! If I think of other memories of this blazer, I'll post more later!
There you go! :D


Gloria said...

Yea, Andrea, what do your remember about you kids and this old blazer?

Danette said...

yea, I want to know too.

Larry said...

Jeanette and I lived in Manassa one summer when the boys were young. As we were going to Manassa from Provo we were in two cars. Jeanette was following me. She tired and dozed. She hit a mailbox post. The mailbox hit the windshield and cut up Brian's face. I saw white smoke and dust in the rearview mirror.

Mom had the Blazer. We used the Blazer to go back to get the 1962 Ford on the other side of Mancos. We had to drive over Wolf Creek Pass to get it.

Gloria said...

I remember when Arlo had the blazer just after they got back from their mission, if I remember right.

Kent said...

I remember a time when we took the blazer up to Wheeler national monument near Creed. At least I think it was the bronco.

Betty hear a coyote cry and was ready to go home right then.

We had a ball at the monument and at the Melodrama in Creed.

Larry said...

What happened to the Blazer?

Karen Rasmussen said...

Which Simeon Dunn's funeral were you going to?

If you are descendants of Simeon Adams Dunn b. 1803 NY and would like information on two recent projects we have put together, please contact me.