Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Photo of ...

I believe that I shared this photo with Aunt Gloria a few years back and I just came across it again! I need to get it off my work computer, so I've uploaded it to photobucket and I wanted to share!

I've always loved this photo of the little Vance girls! They were so fun and sweet when we were kids. Danette was always such a kick in the pants! I always loved to go to the Valley to see them and play with them and see what kinds of new adventures they would get us into! Those are the years I miss the most. When we were little, and we all did things together, and they, Marcy, Danette and Cory watched out for Robert and I.

I am grateful to have had the opportunity have grown up with them and have them in my life! As time has worn on and distance has separated us Marcy and I have become good friends. She has been my strength at times when I didn't think I had any strength left! I'm glad that we can get together and share time with each other! I miss that so much about being little and having family close!


Kent said...

That really takes me back in time! All five of you were cute and it was fun to do things with our families. Time and geography have made that a little more challenging haven't they?

Andrea said...

They sure have!

Gloria said...

Those days were a lot of fun and it seemed life was easier too. Life does change, but to be able to hold on to those eternal memories makes it worth trying to go forward today.

Danette said...

Dadgum I was so cute, I don't know what happened. Andrea I remember those times too, walking around the pig pen pretenting that if we feel we would be eaten alive. I remember scooter the doll that Robert had, I loved to play with it. Good memories!

Kent said...

I had forgotten all about Scooter. Robert was attached to that thing!!

Larry said...

Who was scooter?

Kent said...

Scooter was a muppet friend of Kermit the Frog. He had eyes that looked like ping pong balls and a top knot of orange hair. Robert took him everywhere he went. I don't know what ever happened to him.

Larry said...

For us the favorite Muppet was cookie monster.

Kent said...

I went back and checked our old photos. Robert's friend was Kermit the frog. I don't recall him having a scooter doll, but I know they were popular at the time.