Monday, January 14, 2008

the new world of blog

Hello family. I am finally with internet again, we went a whole year without and now I'm learning about this blog's. What does it stand for anyway.
Any how it's good to be part of the world again. In my neck of the woods we just plow snow and then some more snow. Sometimes we believe that we live in the same snowflake that the grench and the who's do in who vill. The kids are doing well in school (thats as far as I want to go with explaining that part of our lives) Gary is keeping busy with providing for the family. We have had a year of learning and looks like another year of the same learning but hopefully with different challenges. I, danette, am enjoying having all the kids in school, I am still dabbling in the writting field. SO that is a small blip of our lives.


Kent said...

Welcome aboard, Danette. It's exciting to have you aboard. We are looking forward to seeing some of your creativity here!

Stay warm!

Kent said...

Here is a web site that explains about "Blogs"

Larry said...

A WEB-LOG is an sponsored site that allows multiple authors and comments. It is frequently referred to as a BLOG, which is a shortened enunciation of WEBLOG.

How are you?

Gloria said...

hey hey hey so you made it. It is neat you decided to write. Mom

Danette said...

It is fun to read your comments. It's funny how connected I feel through this blog stuff. And the pictures are great, but don't expect to much of that from me unless I can get Gary to help me out in that area. Kent good luck moving that is one thing I don't ever want to do. Hi, Grandma I love you, sorry I didn't talk much to you the other day on the phone.
Larry, I played wallyball (volleyball with the aid of the walls) the other day, it is amazing how you use muscles that see to be hybernating some where in you body, and they don't like to be interrupted.

Larry said...

I ride my bicycle in the morning before work. Jeanette gets up at 4:45. I usually sleep in until 5:00 and then go turn on the TV to the History Channel and hop on my stationary bike and ride for 30 minutes. After my bike ride I get the 25# dumbbells out and do 50 curls. I do this while Jeanette is gone to seminary. I leave before she and Debra get home.