Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) is of great value to me. Even though many times the cost of the software is at no financial outlay, the value is great. You may not know what I am referring to when I address FOSS. I will elucidate.

There are some people in our society that take great pride in their work and are willing to share with others. I have the highest respect for the people that have enabled this movement.

Some of the programs that are available because of the FOSS model are:

  1. operating systems
    1. linux
      1. red hat
      2. suse
      3. ubuntu
      4. and 100s more
    1. BSD Unix
  2. office applications
    1. openoffice (word processor, spreadsheet, database, graphics)
    2. koffice (word processor)
    3. gnumeric (spreadsheet)
    4. GRAMPS (geneology)
    5. KOOKA (scanning and OCR program)
    6. program manager
  3. graphics applications
    1. GIMP Graphic Image Manipulation Program
    2. digiKam (photograph organizer)
    3. InkScape (vector graphics)
  4. WEB
    1. FireFox (web brouser)
    2. apache (web server)
    3. chatzilla (chat program)
    4. Thunderbird (mail client)
    5. and many more
  5. Multimedia
    1. amarok (audio player)
    2. BEAST (synthesizer)
    3. xine (video player)
    4. and many more
  6. GAMES
    1. too numerous to list
  7. Programming Languages
    1. PERL
    2. GCC Gnu Compilers
    3. Python
    4. PHP
    5. Ruby
    6. and many more
Many of the programs that I have used and like on linux (I like and use linux because I have grown weary of the tactics that MicroSoft has used to cheat me out of my hard earned money, and linux works better) are available for MicroSoft/Windows. Openoffice and GIMP are available to use on M$/Windows.

I have heard people say that their computer hangs up and they need a new one. That is not the case. The computer is not at fault. Commercial software companies have more and more delivered software that is to their own liking and not for the users best interest. One of the notable things that has happened recently is the Windows Genuine Advantage, which is appropriately named, because the advantage is only for MicroSoft to market distribute MicroSoft Windows.

At no risk you can try a LiveCD with linux loaded on it. You do not have to install it on your computer's hard drive to just try and see how it works.

The list of applications in the numbered list above can all be found on the internet for no cost. The programs are usable and are in many some are better than the commercial counterparts.

I like GIMP, which is like PhotoShop
I like OpenOffice, which I think is better the MicroSoft Office
I like digiKam for photographs
I like FireFox for web browsing better the Internet Exploder by Micro$oft
I like PERL for programming

If you are wanting to edit images to put on the BLOG you can download GIMP from


and you can get around having to pay hundreds of dollars for an office automation package by downloading openoffice from


if you add to them FireFox you can posture yourself to liberate yourself from the vole MicroSoft


I would recommend that you try a LiveCD of UBUNTU linux if you want to just test and see if it all works for you, without having to modify your computer.


The link above has instructions for downloading and creating a LiveCD so you can just test to see if you like linux and not have any costs or commitments while you try it.

Try the applications, GIMP, OpenOffice, and FireFox. You will like them, and the price is right.


Kent said...

It makes a lot of sense to use the free software and provide feedback to the authors to help them improve it.

I use OpenOffice and FireFox. They are both good programs that are every bit as good as the ones that would have cost me a lot of money.

Larry said...

I have always wanted to make a contribution to our society that would be of benefit to others. I suppose in my own little world that I do have a positive influence on some. I did some work in engineering that I would really have liked to share. That is another story.