Friday, February 8, 2008

The Years Go By -- Marcy, Our First Grandchild

The night Marcy was born was an exciting time for Arlo and me. on July 23, in the middle of the night, Helen, Gloria's mom called us and said they couldn't get hold of Donnie. He was working for the phone company and was staying at a hotel in San Luis. The people at the hotel said he and his working buddy had checked out and we we drove to San Luis to try to find them. We went to the hotel and they told us the same story.
We drove all over San Luis and didn't find their Phone Company Truck so we started to leave there when a pickup from the Phone company was stopped at a stop sign and we talked to him there. He was going to the hotel to see where his crew was. We followed him to the hotel. He demanded to see the room, where they had been. They were there in bed.
Donnie went home and Marcy had already been born. She was born on th24th of July. Her Grandpa Vance said she was "A real live Mormon, born on the 24th of July. That was quite a day. We went back home and put our float in the parade that day.


Larry said...

I see you made it to post on the Blog. Good job. Now you can post on a fairly frequent basis and do not have to pay publishing costs. One story at a time you can tell us about us.

Love Larry

Kent said...

Marcy was born while I was on my mission in Mexico. I missed out on all of the excitement. I still have the picture of Marcy with her cute little had and the birthmark on her arm. If only I could find it in this mess of boxes. Maybe by this time next year.

Gloria said...

This that a hat or a hand? I'm not sure what picture you are looking for... ha ha... probaby the hat, she did love hats when she was small. It was definately an exciting time that July 24 back in 1969! I remember putting in a lot of steps up and down the streets of Manassa on the 23rd! If you want to know more... I can tell ya!

Larry said...

When Marcy was little she would come visit us in Manassa frequently. I remember one day when she was constipated and was trying to work out her problem. Her face was getting red and she was hanging on the to the edge of a short table groaning. After a couple minutes she was happy again. It is funny the things that one remembers.