Sunday, February 10, 2008

Model 97 62 Winchester .22 Caliber Rifle (without a compass in the stock)

This is a picture of a Model 97 62 Winchester .22 Caliber Rifle. My father's three sons all had a go at this thing. Donnie shot a hole in mom's bed with it. Larry (I) borrowed it without permission.

Larry (that's me) and Tim Haslett were out with the .22 rifle one day (without permission) plunking at things. We went out of town to the southeast.

We shot at rocks and cans and other things. There was a bird up in the tree about 50 feet up. Plunk! The bird rotated around the branch on with it supported itself. I must have hit it.

About that time we noticed a big red truck in the distance. It was my dad in his delivery truck from Conejos County Gas and Oil. Of course he recognized me. He came to inquire as to our activities, but before he could get there I dropped the rifle in the bottom of the dry ditch to try and hide that I had it. I am not sure if he knew I had the rifle or not, he may have known, but he told us to stay out of trouble and told me to get home. I left the rifle there with the intent of coming later to get it.

Irrigation in town is performed by running water through open ditches in town and then backing the water up with small dams or headgates in the ditch. It was somebodies time to water, and water was turned down the ditch. The rifle was still there. I retrieved the rifle, but not before it had developed a irregular coating of redish brown material. It rusted!

I took the rifle home and told my dad what had happened. He did not seem to surprised, and he told me to fix it. I bought some bluing, cleaned the rust, and reconditioned the rifle. I used this rifle extensively after that.

This is what I remember it looked like.

Kent received the rifle. Donnie and I already had our times with it.


Kent said...

I owe Donnie an apology. I was trying to blame the ditching of the 22 onto him when it was Larry that had that little experience. You see how stories can change with the telling?

When I got the rifle, The stalk was wrapped with buckskin. Apparantly, it had been in a saddle holster when a horse stumbled and fell, splitting the stalk almost to the end. After I got it, I repaired the stalk.

After hauling the rifle around for years, I finally took it to a reputable gunsmith and had it reblued and repaired. I am not a hunter, but I have really gotten a lot of pleasure from that little rifle.

Red said...

If anyone deserves the rifle it is you Kent. I know what it means to you.

Red said...


Red said...

corection on the model,itis model 62 winchester rimfire.

Kent said...

Right now it is a model dusty two no fire. I think it has been about five years since it has been fired. I have a hard time finding a place to take it to fire it.

Larry said...

A year ago for Christmas Eric received a pellet gun. After this last Christmas we went on a camping trip with the family. It was the first time that the gun was discharged. We had fun shooting a piece of paper and some cans.

I miss shooting. My eyes are such that I do not do well shooting any more. I used to be able to shoot the top of a beer bottle at 50 yards with that old 22 rifle.